[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There is danger in making assumptions and it could be costing your business thousands. This is because it’s very likely your colleagues and clients don’t actually know what you think they should know about you.
The power of IMPLIED sales
We’ve been working with professionals for years and most of them don’t ‘sell’. They don’t like it or they won’t do it, especially now in these highly sensitive COVID times.
If this sounds like you, it’s time to find peace with how you go about bringing in new business.
Straightforward, effective marketing communication
Now, more than ever, your clients and prospects are looking for real and genuine support.
Simple and straightforward marketing communication creates meaningful connection with clients and prospects. Rather than overthinking your marketing, think about what’s most important for your clients and keep it real: reassuring, relevant and genuine!
BEYOND COVID-19: Client communication for business recovery
Long before COVID-19 many businesses were already suffering a debilitating affliction that they were not even aware of. Called ‘client perceived indifference’, symptoms include clients experiencing a sense that their product or service provider doesn’t care much about them. And the cause? Poor client communication.
FIVE things you can implement quickly so your clients know you’re open for business
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In this time of COVID-19 many clients have to get used to doing business with you differently. That means relying on telephone and online options rather than meeting with you face to face.
The key is staying visible. And that starts with communicating often and in a meaningful way.
Now’s NOT the time for radio silence.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Your clients need you. They need your experience, advice and leadership.
If you are unsure about how, or you don’t have time to communicate with your clients, ask for help.
Fabulous February
The holidays are over, the kids are back at school, routine has returned and decision makers have new perspectives after taking their brains off-line for a few weeks. It’s during February (and March) that the jobs put on hold until the new year need to be actioned.
Is your Google Business Listing up to scratch? It’s not? Oh dear…
If you don’t have a Google Business Listing, you could be missing out on the best FREE digital advertising you can get.
Google Reviews: THREE reasons why you need them!
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Google reviews are important for marketing your business. Why? ONE, they boost your local search listing. TWO, they enable prospective clients to learn about you from independent third parties. THREE, they offer you (as a business owner) valuable feedback for sharing with your team or actioning to become a better business.
No frills marketing. Just FIVE key resources, a dash of EDM and finish with social media!
We know it sounds like a contradiction of terms, but marketing really doesn’t need too many bells and whistles and it certainly doesn’t need to be complicated. All you need are FIVE key resources, a dash of EDM and social media.