If your company’s business brochure is treated as a rarefied object locked in a cupboard and only bestowed upon those recipients considered worthy, you are most likely suffering from ‘precious brochure syndrome’. If this sounds like your firm, chances are your marketing collateral is gathering dust, not new business.
How to REALLY cash in on your marketing
If you are sending out helpful information to your clients that clearly explains what you do, how you do it and why, but you don’t follow up to help your clients benefit from your advice, then this article is for you.
FIVE Content Writing Misdemeanours
Just because you got straight A’s in high school English or you can write an articulate technical report, doesn’t mean you have the mettle to create successful marketing content.
WWW – Words that Work for Websites
You know the content on your website is important, but they’re just words – right? Wrong! Your website needs the right words – words that work for websites. Specifically, your prospective clients.
Words that address what you do, who you do it for, how you do it, and most importantly, why. Nailing your ‘why’ is the difference between prospective clients selecting your services over a competitor’s.
Get the jump on your competitors in 2019
‘Tis the season to be jolly and after a big year, no one will blame you for wanting to take some well-earned time off. However, before you do, may we suggest that now is the time to prepare and sign off on your 2019 marketing program.
Is your business award worthy? SIX attributes of an award-winning business.
With the business award season currently underway, a number of our clients have recently been named as finalists, and even better, won awards for excellence.
Create a Winning Strategy Paper in 5 Steps
Okay, so you have ideas for what you are generically calling a ‘strategy paper’, but before you get started there are FIVE important things to consider.
Is your Professional Profile rubbish? Chances are, it is…
It’s one of the privileges of being a relationship marketing provider, we get to write a lot of Professional Profiles.
Memorable Branding
First impressions really do count. A tired and neglected business image will speak far louder than the words you won’t have the opportunity to say. As a business owner, you’ll be pleased to know that it is possible – without incurring great expense or investing too much time – to create memorable branding that’s not only good but BOLD.
Is your website Modern, Secure & Mobile-friendly? Yes, Great! No, Oh dear!
If your business website isn’t mobile-friendly and secure, you need a new one. It’s that simple.