This privacy statement sets out how Bold Marketing Communication (Bold Marketing Co.) Pty Ltd ABN 47 605 787 728, trading as Bold! Marketing Communication will manage your personal information and other information.
In this privacy policy “your information” means your personal information, as defined under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”). For parents, your child’s information will be treated in the same manner as “your information”.
Information collected by Bold Marketing Co
Depending on the particular circumstances, Bold Marketing Co may collect and hold a range of different information about you. This can include your name, contact details (including address, email address, phone number or mobile telephone number). The personal information we collect depends upon the nature of our relationship with you.
This policy does not apply to acts and practices that relate directly to the employee records of our current and former employees.
When we deal with corporations or agencies we may collect personal information about individual employees, directors or principals. If you are a corporation or agency and you provide us with personal information about such individuals, or you are aware that we have collected personal information about such individuals, we request that you refer those individuals to this privacy policy. You are responsible for ensuring that any personal information you provide is with the consent of the relevant individual.
How Bold Marketing Co will collect your information
Bold Marketing Co may collect your information in a number of ways, including:
- directly from you (such as where you provide information to Bold! Marketing Communication when you retain our services or visit the Bold! Marketing Communication website or contact Bold! Marketing Communication with a query or request)
- from publicly available sources of information
- from Bold Marketing Co records
If you choose not to provide certain information about yourself, Bold Marketing Co may not be able to provide you with the services or information you require.
How Bold Marketing Co will hold your information
Bold Marketing Co may store your information in hard copy or electronic format, in storage facilities that Bold Marketing Co owns, or that are owned and operated by third party service providers.
Bold Marketing Co takes the privacy and security of your information seriously and Bold Marketing Co is committed to maintaining the security of your information under the control of Bold Marketing Co.
Bold Marketing Co. uses internal processes to protect your information from unauthorised access and disclosure.
While Bold Marketing Co takes these steps to maintain the security of your information, you should be aware of the range of information security risks that exist today and take appropriate care to help safeguard your own information.
Purposes for which Bold Marketing Co will collect, hold and use your information
Bold Marketing Co may collect, hold and use your information for a range of different purposes, including
- to provide services to you, to provide you with information about those services, to assist you with enquiries, or to provide you with better customer service;
- to administer and manage the services Bold! Marketing Communication provides to you, to invoice you for them and to collect any amounts you may owe Bold Marketing Co; and
- to improve or develop services, or to perform research and analysis.
We will not collect personal information that would be unlawful, unnecessary or unrelated to our business.
When Bold Marketing Co will disclose your information
Bold Marketing Co may disclose your information:
- as required or authorised by law, including to law enforcement and national security agencies, and other government and regulatory authorities;
- to third parties who assist Bold Marketing Co to manage or develop the business of Bold Marketing Co; or
- for the purposes of facilitating or implementing a transfer/sale of all or part of the assets or business of Bold Marketing Co.
Bold Marketing Co does not intend to disclose your information to third parties outside of Australia.
The Bold Marketing Co website may employ the use of cookies in order to monitor the usage levels relating to the Bold Marketing Co website and to monitor which features of the Bold Marketing Co website are most frequently accessed. Using cookies allows Bold Marketing Co to constantly enhance its website in order to make it more user‑friendly.
Most web browser software allows you to block cookies if you choose to do so.
We use MailChimp as our marketing automation platform. By subscribing to our website, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to MailChimp and be used for Bold Marketing Co to connect with you via email marketing.
Social Media Messaging, Message Boards And Forums
The Bold Marketing Co website and social media accounts may contain interactive features such as Facebook messaging or sharing, Twitter posts, LinkedIn posts, Instagram posts, message boards and forums.
Whenever you post personal information in publicly accessible places such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or message boards and forums on the Internet, this information becomes available to anyone with access to the Internet.
This information can be collected and used by others, including to send you unsolicited communications. Therefore, Bold Marketing Co recommends that you use your discretion and exercise caution when providing your personal information on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and message boards and forums.
Bold Marketing Co accepts no liability for any material or links posted on any Facebook post, Twitter post, LinkedIn post, Instagram post, message boards or forums on the Bold! Marketing Communication website.
How to access or correct your personal information or make a privacy complaint
If you wish to access any of your personal information that Bold Marketing Co holds or would like to correct any errors in that information, please contact Bold Marketing Co on
You may also use these contact details to notify Bold Marketing Co of any privacy complaint you have against Bold Marketing Co, including if you think that Bold Marketing Co has failed to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (APP).
Bold Marketing Co will investigate any complaints received in writing and endeavour to respond to your complaint within 14 days of receipt of the complaint.
While Bold Marketing Co will use its best endeavours to address any complaint that you may have, if you are unsatisfied in the manner in which Bold Marketing Co deals with your complaint, you may also be able to lodge a complaint with a relevant regulator such as the Australian Information Commissioner (
About this statement
This statement has been issued by Bold Marketing Co, effective as at June 2018. From time to time, Bold Marketing Co may need to change this statement.
If you would like to complain about a breach of the APP, you may contact our Privacy Officer via