BEFORE you jump head first into a marketing program, take a couple of steps back

BEFORE you jump head first into a marketing program, take a couple of steps back

For most business owners eager to sell more products and services, it’s important to take a couple of steps back and establish the foundations for all your marketing, before jumping head first into a marketing program.

Defining what you do, who you do it for, how you do it, and why means you can focus your marketing dollars on the people you most want to do business with and who are more likely to buy products and services from you.

What you do
You may be a highly qualified and experienced professional or business owner, but ‘what’ you do is about outcomes rather than the services you provide. For example, a business owner we know is an accountant and sure, he offers a heap of services from tax reporting to business advising, but what he does is create business success and personal prosperity. When you establish ‘what’ you do in this context, you will immediately be ahead of your competitors who often don’t identify themselves beyond their technical trade to truly help their clients.

Who you do it for
This is vitally important. Your marketing tools need to speak directly to your ‘ideal’ client in the first instance, and then to your ‘important secondary’ clients. When you can articulate the characteristics of your ideal clients, your marketing dollars can be better spent as they will focus on those you most want to do business with, and who will most likely buy services from you.

How you do it
While the type of services you offer are part of ‘how’, it’s more about articulating your process so that it is meaningful to your clients. When a client understands that you have a process, model or framework, it immediately implies that you offer greater value than someone who doesn’t. You probably already have a way of doing things that works for you and your clients, and you may already use it when pitching to new clients, but it may not be written down, and it’s probably not used as part of your marketing communication.

Why you do it
Simon Sinek is a highly respected marketing expert, and he once said something along the lines of…‘people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it’ … and we think he nailed it!

For example, if we refer to our accountant client again… what he does is create business success and prosperity, why he does it is because he genuinely wants to help his clients to live their lives with financial freedom. This sentiment along with his values, is shared on his website and in his other marketing including his social media posts.

With your what, who, how and why established, you and your marketing professional will be able to create all your future marketing resources – branding, website, professional profiles, business brochures, case studies and social media strategy, so that they are ALL focused on achieving consistent marketing outcomes, so that you may follow up and sell more of your products and services.

For more information about Bold! Marketing Communication and our Do-Able Marketing model which is underpinned by our 7-Step Do It For Me Marketing (DIFM Framework please contact us.

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